Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Colin Malone-viral vid

I enjoyed this one a few years ago. It's simple and I actually feel suspense from trying to anticipate the rhythm. Plus his face is funny.

Jason Melcher - Viral Video Selection

Ryan Gagnon - viral video post


Although this viral video certainly isn't funny, its neat to consider how rapidly the G20 protests spread across the internet last week. This video was posted 3 days ago and already has over 270,000 views.

Melissa Randall Viral Video

Kid makes a music video actually sends it to Ad Agencies, hoping to find a job...FAIL. Below is a link for all of the negative feedback he got from possible employers.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Piotr Bednarczyk's Viral Video


Power Thirst - Zander Taketomo

This video has floating around on the web for a while, and has been recreated in more extreme/offensive, and more comedic ways. It could be fun to work with as anyone can insert their own meaning while re-creating.

Jordan Schindler's Viral Video

by now, everyone has heard about kanye west calling out taylor swift at the video music awards. and yeah, it was a real awful thing to do. but this video remix to obama's healthcare speech, i think is hilarious. i wouldn't want kanye interrupt me when it was important.

Jeff McReynolds - viral video


Dave D'Alba - Viral Video

This is an example of a more recent Viral Video. It was posted earlier this month and is approaching 300,000 views. It's only about 4 minutes long since it repeats halfway through.

Kim Burnick- viral video

Not sure if this is considered a viral video, but I think it would be cool to make videos like this one to get some sort of message across, whether it be the same subject or a different one. He made this for the internet and it won an emmy.

I also really like this one, from the same artist.

Josh Nase - Viral Video

Alright I changed my video to "Next Friday" done by the "Driving on Salvia" guy.

Shannon Leahy - Ninja Cat

Jason Sheck - Viral Video

The video that i chose is Zombie Kid. This video came out on youtube a few years ago and became very popular. There are many different renditions that people have posted on youtube replying to this video.

Will Rowe-Viral Video

I remembered this video from a couple years back, in fact it was originally posted to Google Video and made it to #1; all before Youtube had been launched in early 2005. I have always been interested in videos that redo older things like Super Mario Brothers in a different way. This concept has been emulated and applied in various ways since.

Hannah Schulman- Keyboard Cat

this has inspired many responses, where they use clips of movies or tv followed by keyboard cat playing them off
more responses at playhimoffkeyboardcat

Bianca DiMaio - Viral Video

This video has been around for a while. I thought this would be a good idea to make a video response to because there are many different takes you can have on it. This is "The Evolution of Dance" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg I think it would be cool to make our own "Evolution of...." videos.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Viral Videos

Source for Viral Videos
Webby Nominees since 1997.
Viral videos are listed towards the bottom.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


During the first lecture when we got to the section labeled "Rhythm," I was captivated by the image of multiple rows of cars. I kept wondering what was so captivating about this image and other images like it that I found. The rhythm found within these images is visually stimulating and very pleasing to the eye, but why? In the slide with the cars it says that, "Balance and rhythm work together to create designs that are vital, achieving both stability and surprise." So maybe the stability is the key, but I needed more explanation so I searched the
internet. Webdesignfromscratch.com has an article about the concept of rhythm from a web organization standpoint. They explain that “once you’ve decoded even one or two examples [of headline styles], your brain creates a rule or pattern on the fly you then use that rule to recognize and interpret subsequent example of the header.” Our brains like patterns that repeat because they allow it to easily decipher the meaning of images and information, making it pleasant to look at.
~Will Rowe


Industrial Repitition ~mkrigsman

Oh to be different ~macca

slea repitition ~Melody

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wikimedia Commons


This is another good source for creative commons lincensed images.