Sunday, May 9, 2010

John Curall-Putting More Than One Video Player On A Page

Hello All, For those of you using the JW Player Lisa demoed for video on your web page, I came across and adjustment that needs to be made if you plan on using more than one video on a page. I thought it might be helpful to some of you. I tried to just repeat the steps Lisa showed us for each new video I was putting on the page. However, all it did was play the third video in the first videos place and display "this text will be replaced" in the other two slots. I did some research and I found out that if you don't give them each a different placeholder on the page it will just lay one on top of the other. The placeholder in the code that Lisa gave us was the name given to the div id. This can be changed to whatever you want as long as you also change it at the end of the code in the so.write section. I just changed the names to player 1, player 2, and player 3 respectively. For each video, I just replaced the two incidents of the name (I think Lisa's was"mediasource"? I don't have that page anymore) with "player1", "player2" and "player3" respectively. That worked like a charm and I was able to have 3 videos on one page. Here is the link to the page where I found this information so that you can see it for yourself: http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/forums/jw-player/setup-issues-and-embedding/7989/how-to-put-more-than-one-video-on-single-page. I tried to paste my code into this post to show you what I did, but blogger saw it as actual html code and not text that I was trying to publish.
Good Luck!

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